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  • 23 And Some Change…



    It’s officially the year of Silver Plating and Topaz. Sort of a warm-up for actual silver I suppose. E K is more of a black lace and leather sort of gal though…

    Almost 25 years together (Today makes 23 with E K having official ownership documents from the state) and she hasn’t killed me yet. Eaten my soul, well, that’s another story entirely. But I’m still alive… Technically…

    Happy 23rd Anniversary, Legs…

    More to come…


  • My Bad…


    Okay, so I screwed up…

    By that, I mean I went and got all busy without having some blog posts written and scheduled to fill in the gaps where I am… well… busy. I take full responsibility for this foul-up, and am sure to receive a beating for it when her supreme evilness arrives home.

    And, speaking of her supreme evilness (cool segue, huh? no, not Segway™, segue…) Anywho, here’s the thing – I am so busy right now I don’t have time to devote to a full blown blog entry that would be Leakage worthy… I do, however, have enough time to devote to a quick post with some pictures.

    Pictures of what? E K, of course. Why? Well, believe it or not I have a very good and valid reason. You see, I’ve been to a few events since May when PUF happened – PUF being where E K did her most recent Public Photo Op. Invariably, I have been approached by 37.3 million people at each event  since asking about Her Worship the Evil Redhead. In each case I hear things like, “I follow you on Facebook, but I don’t read your blog…” or “I read your blog, but I don’t do Facebook…” or “I have Myspace, are you on there?”

    What does this have to do with pictures of Evil Kat? Well, I’ll tell you… It seems that folks far and wide have heard legends of The Evil One, but were not aware of her rare, but very real public appearances (if you have enough money to coax her out of her dungeon… srsly), or the fact that she was mercenary enough to do such photo ops with fans – again, only if the $$’s are there, which is probably why the public appearances are so rare.

    Go figure, I’m the author, but she gets personal appearance fees… What’s up with that?

    But, I’ll quit grumbling now… Where was I? Oh yeah…

    Because of the variations in social networks, many of them haven’t seen the E K at PUF pictures. Therefore, at the last event I attended this past weekend, I promised I would post some of the pics in my blog so that folks had a one stop shop for E K  public appearance pictures. So, without further babbling from me, here they are…

    I’ll pen something about writer’s block and juggling jobs as soon as I get a bit of free time… Hell, I might even write something funny. You just never know…

    More to come…


    Evil Kat at PUF 2010

    Speak, Fido, Speak!

    With A REAL Fido… E K is an animal lover

    Don’t Mess With E K… She ALWAYS wins…

    You can just SEE the evil thoughts behind those eyes…

    Doug was a very bad boy… Or so he said.

    Proof that E K does actually smile…

    Even “Tish’s Hair” wanted into the act…

    Sometimes a hard working dominatrix just has to relax for a bit…

    This is how E K keeps me from wandering off in public places…

    Evil looking for a place to happen…

    Reminding everyone to recycle…